Free and Low Cost Medical Clinics in Nassau Bay Texas

Free or low-cost clinics in or near Nassau Bay Texas

Free clinics and low cost clinics are a vital service to the poor and uninsured throughout the country. Estimates suggest there are over 33 million people who do not have medical insurance in the United States, so it becomes a life saving service to about 10% of the population.

Luckily if you live near Nassau Bay Texas, you have access to low cost or free medical services.
Low cost or cheap clinics typically charge for service based on a sliding scale, based on your income. It’s always best to ask about their fee schedule before your go.

The list below is a list of free cinics and low cost clinics in or near Nassau Bay Texas.
If you know of any free clinic or low cost clinic in your area please let us know. Also, if there are any inaccuracies we would also like to know.

Here are 7 clinics near Nassau Bay Texas

Friendswood is 6.9 miles from Nassau Bay

Texas Children's Pediatrics Friendswood - Friendswood
411 E Parkwood
Friendswood, TX 28717

Telephone: 281-482-3486


Uninsured, underinsured, insurance, Medicaid

Income: All income levels accepted

Fees: All income levels accepted

Languages Spoken:English, Spanish

Services:Primary Care, Pediatric, Medical

Open Monday - Friday

Seavice Area: Friendswood Area

Pasadena is 10.4 miles from Nassau Bay

Deepwater Health Clinic - HHS - Pasadena
305 Glenmore
Pasadena, TX 24992

Telephone: 713-497-0960


Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid

Income: All income levels accepted

Fees: All income levels accepted

Languages Spoken:English, Spanish

Services:Vision, Primary Care, Pediatric, Hearing, Health Education/Nutrition, Immunizations

Open Monday - Friday

Seavice Area: Pasadena Area

Pasadena Health Center - Pasadena
908 Southmore
Pasadena, TX 8030

Telephone: 713-554-1091


Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid

Income: All income levels accepted

Fees: All income levels

Languages Spoken:English, Spanish

Services:Women's Health, Social Services, Primary Care, Pharmacy, Pediatric, OB/GYN, Counseling/Mental Health, Medical, Dental, Lab, Adults, Immunizations, Diabetes - Treatment/Management

Open Monday - Friday

Seavice Area: Southeast Harris County, and surrounding communities including Pearland, Galena Park, Jacinto City, Seabrook, Kemah

Pediatric and Adolescent Health Center - Pasadena - HHS - Pasadena
3925 Fairmont Pkwy
Pasadena, TX 20964

Telephone: 713-873-5437


Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid

Income: All income levels accepted

Fees: All income levels

Languages Spoken:English, Spanish

Services:Specialists, Primary Care, Pediatric, Counseling/Mental Health, Medical

Open Call for hours

Seavice Area: Pasadena Area

Strawberry Health Center - HHS - Pasadena
927 E Shaw Rd
Pasadena, TX 20962

Telephone: 713-982-5900


Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid

Income: All income levels accepted

Fees: All income levels

Languages Spoken:English, Spanish

Services:Vision, Social Services, Primary Care, Podiatry, Pharmacy, OB/GYN, Counseling/Mental Health, Medical, Health Education/Nutrition, Dental, Lab

Open Monday - Friday

Seavice Area: Pasedena and East Houston area

VCare Clinic at Strawberry - Pasadena
2615 Strawberry Rd
Pasadena, TX 28751

Telephone: 713-944-2273


Uninsured, Underinsured

Income: All income levels accepted

Fees: All income levels accepted

Languages Spoken:English, Spanish

Services:Women's Health, Vision, Men's Health, Pediatric, Medical, Health Education/Nutrition, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Testing, Adults, Immunizations

Open Monday - Saturday

Seavice Area: Pasadena Area

Pearland is 12.4 miles from Nassau Bay

Shifa USA Pearland Clinic - Pearland
1530 Garden Rd
Pearland, TX 32475

Telephone: 281-412-0478


Uninsured, Underinsured

Income: All income levels accepted

Fees: Low/No Income

Languages Spoken:English

Services:Primary Care, Medical

Open By appointment only

Seavice Area: Pearland

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