Free and Low Cost Medical Clinics in Sardis Georgia

Free or low-cost clinics in or near Sardis Georgia

Free clinics and low cost clinics are a vital service to the poor and uninsured throughout the country. Estimates suggest there are over 33 million people who do not have medical insurance in the United States, so it becomes a life saving service to about 10% of the population.

Luckily if you live near Sardis Georgia, you have access to low cost or free medical services.
Low cost or cheap clinics typically charge for service based on a sliding scale, based on your income. It’s always best to ask about their fee schedule before your go.

The list below is a list of free cinics and low cost clinics in or near Sardis Georgia.
If you know of any free clinic or low cost clinic in your area please let us know. Also, if there are any inaccuracies we would also like to know.

Here are 7 clinics near Sardis Georgia

Waynesboro is 16.9 miles from Sardis

Burke County Health Department - Waynesboro
114 Dogwood Drive
Waynesboro, GA 29716

Telephone: 706-554-3456


Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid

Income: All income levels accepted

Fees: Call for income guidelines

Languages Spoken:English

Services:Women's Health, Men's Health, Pediatric, Medical, Health Education/Nutrition, Dental, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Testing, HIV/AIDS Testing, WIC, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Treatment, Adults, Immunizations, HIV/AIDS/STD Counseling, Hepatitis C Testing

Open By appointment only

Seavice Area: Burke County

Sylvania is 17 miles from Sardis

Screven County Health Department - Sylvania
416 Pine St
Sylvania, GA 30918

Telephone: 912-564-2182


Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid

Income: All income levels accepted

Fees: All income levels accepted

Languages Spoken:English

Services:Women's Health, Pediatric, Counseling/Mental Health, Dental, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Testing, HIV/AIDS Testing, Adults, Immunizations, HIV/AIDS/STD Counseling

Open Monday - Friday

Seavice Area: Screven County

Statesboro is 36.6 miles from Sardis

East Georgia Healthcare Center - Statesboro Primary Care Clinic - Statesboro
1570 Brampton Ave
Statesboro, GA 9450

Telephone: 912-764-9196


Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid

Income: All income levels accepted

Fees: All income levels accepted

Languages Spoken:English

Services:Primary Care, Pediatric, Medical, Health Education/Nutrition, Adults, Immunizations

Open Monday - Friday

Seavice Area: Swainsboro Area

The Hearts and Hands Clinic - Statesboro
127 North College St
Statesboro, GA 21677

Telephone: 912-681-9519


Uninsured, Underinsured

Income: All income levels accepted

Fees: At or below 200% federal poverty level

Languages Spoken:English

Services:Vision, Primary Care, Medical, Dental, Application Assistance - Rx, Diabetes - Prevention/Testing, Diabetes - Treatment/Management

Open Call for hours

Seavice Area: Residents of Bulloch County

Louisville is 37.5 miles from Sardis

Louisville Childrens Clinic - Jefferson Hospital - Louisville
1067 Peachtree St
Louisville, GA 26123

Telephone: 478-625-9816


Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid

Income: All income levels accepted

Fees: All income levels accepted

Languages Spoken:English

Services:Primary Care, Pediatric, Medical, Immunizations

Open Monday-Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM

Seavice Area: Louisville Area

Physicians' Health Group - Louisville - Louisville
1067 Peachtree St
Louisville, GA 10604

Telephone: 478-625-8471


Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid

Income: All income levels accepted

Fees: All income levels accepted

Languages Spoken:English

Services:Primary Care, Pediatric Services, Medical Services

Open Call for hours

Seavice Area: Jefferson County

Wrens is 39.9 miles from Sardis

Wrens Pediatrics Clinic - Jefferson Hospital - Wrens
400 Canterbury Dr
Wrens, GA 26124

Telephone: 706-547-7055


Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid

Income: All income levels accepted

Fees: All income levels accepted

Languages Spoken:English

Services:Pediatric Services

Open Call for hours

Seavice Area: Wrens Area

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