Find soup kitchen locations near you in North Dakota
The list below also includes locations of free food pantries to help provide nutritional assistance for individuals and famalies.
If you know of any others in your area please let us know. If there are any inaccuracies we would also like to know.
S. Fargo |
Family Worship Center Food Pantry in S. Fargo, ND
1733 17th Street
S. Fargo, ND 58103 Telephone:232-2836 |
South Grand Forks |
St. Vincent De Paul in South Grand Forks, ND
620 8th Ave.
South Grand Forks, ND 58203 Telephone:795-8614 |
Tokio |
Spirit Lake Ministry Center in Tokio, ND
3365 81st St NE
Tokio, ND 58374 Telephone:799-1174 |
Trenton |
Trenton Commodities Food Program in Trenton, ND
PO Box 210
Trenton, ND 58853 Telephone:701-572-1130 |
Valley City |
Valley City Cares in Valley City, ND
525 5th Ave. SW
Valley City, ND 58072 Telephone:845-4505 |
Velva |
Velva Community Food Pantry in Velva, ND
400 N. Main Street
Velva, ND 58790 Telephone:338-2143 |
W Bottineau |
Bottineau Food Pantry in W Bottineau, ND
412 10th Street
W Bottineau, ND 58318 Telephone:263-4625 |
Wahpeton |
Richland – Wilkin Food Pantry in Wahpeton, ND
207 North 11th Street
Wahpeton, ND 58075 Telephone:642-1921 |
Food Pantry Richland Wilkin in Wahpeton, ND
699 8th Ave S
Wahpeton, ND 58075 Telephone:701-642-1921 |
Warwick |
Bdecan Presbyterian Food Pantry in Warwick, ND
8397 34th Street NE
Warwick, ND 58381 Telephone:294-2005 |
Watford City |
McKenzie County Food Pantry in Watford City, ND
212 2nd St NW
Watford City, ND 58854 Telephone:842-3349 |
West Fargo |
All Nations Food Pantry in West Fargo, ND
108 3rd St E
West Fargo, ND 58078 Telephone:356-0602 |
Holy Cross Daily Bread in West Fargo, ND
2147 W 57TH Ave
West Fargo, ND 58078 Telephone:412-8834 |
Williston |
Community Action and Development Program in Williston, ND
120 Washington Avenue
Williston, ND 58801 Telephone:572-8191 |