Dental programs exist in every state to assist low-income individuals and families obtain affordable dental care.
The purpose of this site is to help with the endless maze of government and local programs and agencies you have to sort through to find the best places to get assistance.
This area addresses places to find low or no cost dental assistance. If you know of any others in your area please let us know. If there are any inaccuracies we would also like to know. If you are looking for other types of help paying bills, please use the site and let us know if we are missing any other types of help you may need
Luckily if you live near the location or locations you have found on this page you have access to low cost or free medical services.
Find free or low-cost dental clinic locations near you in Nebraska
The list below is a list of free and low-cost dental facilities.
If you know of any others in your area please let us know. If there are any inaccuracies we would also like to know.
Columbus |
Good Neighbor Community Health Center
East-Central District Health Dept
Columbus, NE 3184 Telephone: 866-466-9339 Accepts: Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid Income: All income levels accepted Fees: Sliding scale. No one turned away due to inability to pay Languages Spoken: English, Spanish Services: Women’s Health, Social Services, Pediatric, OB/GYN, Counseling/Mental Health, Medical, Dental, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Testing, HIV/AIDS Testing, Lab, WIC, Pregnancy, Immunizations, Transportation, Hepatitis C Testing Open Call for hours Seavice Area: Boone, Colfax, Nance and Platte counties | |
Curtis |
Curtis Medical Center – Rural Health Clinic
302 East 6th St RR 3
Curtis, NE 12416 Telephone: 308-367-4162 Accepts: Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid Income: All income levels accepted Fees: Financial assistance available Languages Spoken: English Services: Medical Services, Dental Services, Lab Services Open Call for hours Seavice Area: Curtis Area | |
Gering |
CAPWN Health Center
Community Action Partnership W Nebraska (CAPWN)
Gering, NE 18716 Telephone: 888-448-9665 Accepts: Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid Income: All income levels accepted Fees: Sliding scale of fees based on income Languages Spoken: English Services: Primary Care, Counseling/Mental Health, Medical, Family Planning, Dental, HIV/AIDS Testing, WIC, Immunizations, Diabetes – Treatment/Management, Hepatitis C Testing Open Call for hours Seavice Area: Gering Area | |
Grand Island |
Third City Community Clinic
1107 North Broadwell Ave
Grand Island, NE 221 Telephone: 308-398-5312 Accepts: Uninsured Only Income: Low Income Fees: Donation requested Languages Spoken: English Services: Primary Care, Pediatric, Medical, Health Education/Nutrition, Dental, Diabetes – Treatment/Management Open Monday – Friday Seavice Area: Hall, Hamilton, Howard, and Merrick counties | |
Hastings |
Central Community College Dental Hygiene Program
550 S Technical Blvd
Hastings, NE 31339 Telephone: 402-461-2471 Accepts: Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid Income: All income levels accepted Fees: Low cost Languages Spoken: English Services: Dental Open By appointment only Seavice Area: Hastings area | |
Lincoln |
Clinic With A Heart
1701 S 17th St
Lincoln, NE 18136 Telephone: 402-421-2924 Accepts: Uninsured, Underinsured Income: Low Income Fees: No fee Languages Spoken: English, Spanish Services: Vision Services, Specialist medical services, Counseling/Mental Health Services, Medical Services, Hearing Services, Dental Services, Transportation Services Open Call for hours Seavice Area: Lancaster County | |
People’s City Mission Free Clinic
401 N 2nd St
Lincoln, NE 18751 Telephone: 402-817-0980 Accepts: Uninsured Only Income: At or below 200% federal poverty level Fees: No fee Languages Spoken: English, Others By Translation Service Services: Vision, Specialists, Pharmacy, Medical, Dental, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Testing, HIV/AIDS Testing, Lab, Hepatitis C Testing Open Monday – Friday Seavice Area: Lincoln and Lancaster County | |
People’s Health Center
1021 N 27th St
Lincoln, NE 3199 Telephone: 402-476-1455 Accepts: Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid Income: All income levels accepted Fees: Sliding scale of fees based on income Languages Spoken: English Services: Pharmacy Services, Counseling/Mental Health Services, Medical Services, Dental Services Open Monday – Saturday Seavice Area: Lincoln Area | |
Omaha |
Charles Drew Health Center – Dental Clinic
2915 Grant St
Omaha, NE 27555 Telephone: 402-453-1433 Accepts: Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid Income: All income levels accepted Fees: Sliding scale of fees based on income Languages Spoken: English Services: Dental Open Monday – Friday Seavice Area: Omaha Area | |
Quick Sick OneWorld Community Health Centers
4910 South 30th Street
Omaha, NE 15851 Telephone: 402-502-8859 Accepts: Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid Income: All income levels accepted Fees: Sliding scale available Languages Spoken: English, Spanish Services: Women’s Health Services, Vision Services, Pharmacy Services, Pediatric Services, Counseling/Mental Health Services, Medical Services, Dental Services, WIC Open 7 days, call for hours Seavice Area: Omaha Area | |
SHARING Dental Clinic at UN Medical Center
Omaha, NE 26805 Telephone: 402-595-2280 Accepts: Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid Income: All income levels accepted Fees: Financial assistance available Languages Spoken: English, Spanish Services: Dental Services Open Call for hours Seavice Area: Omaha Area | |
Plattsmouth |
Cass Family Medicine – One World Community Health Center Inc.
122 South 6th St
Plattsmouth, NE 21281 Telephone: 402-296-2345 Accepts: Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid Income: All income levels accepted Fees: Sliding scale available Languages Spoken: English, Spanish Services: Women’s Health Services, Vision Services, Pharmacy Services, Pediatric Services, Counseling/Mental Health Services, Medical Services, Dental Services, WIC Open Monday-Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM Seavice Area: Plattsmouith Area | |