Free and Low Cost Case Management in Santa Fe Springs, California

Clinics that provide free and low cost Case Management are a vital service to the poor and uninsured throughout the country. Afterall, ther is nothing more precious to us then our children. Estimates suggest there are over 33 million people who do not have medical insurance in the United States, so free and low cost Case Management in California are a vital resource to our communities.

Luckily if you live near the location or locations you have found on this page you have access to clinics providing free and low cost Case Management

Find free or low-cost medical clinic locations offering Case Management near you in Santa Fe Springs, California

The list below is a list of free and low-cost medical clinics offering Case Management.
If you know of any other free clinic or low cost clinics in your area please let us know. If there are any inaccuracies we would also like to know.

Santa Fe Springs

LA CADA Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse
11015 Bloomfield Ave
Santa Fe Springs, CA 21049
Telephone: 562-906-2676


Accepts: Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid

Income: All income levels accepted

Fees: Sliding scale. No one turned away due to inability to pay

Languages Spoken: English, Spanish

Services: Substance Abuse, Specialist medical services, Social services, Mental Health Services, Counseling, Behavioral Health Rehab, Case Management

Open Monday - Friday

Seavice Area: Los Angeles County Area

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