VHA Medical Locations – South Dakota

Veterans in South Dakota

According to the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, 72,030 veterans call South Dakota home; including 6,294 women and 65,737 men.  Of the state’s veterans, 55,025 served our country during military conflicts. Service numbers during military conflicts are as follows: the Gulf War – 21,876 , Vietnam – 21,876 , Korea – 7,035, World War II – 3,322.


  VA Health Care System   Skip VA Health Care System

VA Black Hills Health Care System – Fort Meade Campus
VA Black Hills Health Care System – Hot Springs Campus
Royal C. Johnson Veterans Memorial Medical Center

    Community Based Outpatient Clinic   Skip Community Based Outpatient Clinic

Aberdeen VA Clinic
Eagle Butte VA Clinic
Faith VA Clinic
Isabel Community Based Outpatient Clinic
McLaughlin VA Clinic
Mission CBOC
Pierre VA Clinic
Pine Ridge VA Clinic
Rapid City VA Clinic
Wagner CBOC
Watertown CBOC
Winner VA Clinic

    Vet Center   

Pine Ridge Vet Center Outstation
Rapid City Vet Center
Sioux Falls Vet Center